Friday, March 30, 2018


Almost all people have experienced moments of bad taste when the throat itchiness. Throat feels itching can be a sign of several medical conditions such as allergies, or may be due to the effects of a viral infection or bacteria. Generally, the itching in the throat is not a serious problem. You can easily treat an itchy throat at home with drugs sold in pharmacies as well as traditional medicine. In this article you will find the possible cause of the onset of itching in the throat following ways to relieve the itchiness.

Four things the most Itchy Throat Causes
Itching in the throat also usually followed by coughing, because things that can cause throat itch usually also trigger coughing. There are many things that can be the cause of the occurrence of these two things. Generally, old symptoms that arise and the presence of other symptoms that accompany it can be used as a benchmark to determine possible causes. Below are the four things that most often cause itching in the throat:
1. Allergic reaction
An allergic reaction occurs because the body's immune system reacts against the objects that are present in the environment, which is normally not harmful. Allergy triggers on each person it could be different. Examples of objects that can trigger allergies is pollen from flowers, hair or fur, mold, dust mites, or the fragrance of the perfume. When a person inhaling the allergen triggers, symptoms that arise in addition to itchy throat is clogged and runny nose, cough, and sneezing. Even the eyes can also feels itchy, red, swollen, and watery.

2. Food allergies and medications

An estimated 4-6% of children and 4% of adults suffer from allergies to certain types of food such as milk, peanuts, eggs, or fish. Besides the itchiness in the throat, food allergies can cause itching in the mouth, swelling of the mouth and tongue, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and itching in the skin. Drug allergy shows signs and symptoms are almost the same. Unlike food allergy is relatively arise more quickly, drug allergies can arise in a matter of hours until the first day of the person taking the drug.

A very severe allergic conditions may cause anaphylactic reactions that endanger lives. Anaphylactic reactions occurred when such as increased pulse, shortness of breath, difficult swallowing, and faint, someone who suffers from allergies should be immediately brought to the nearest ER.

3. The pollutants

Pollutants are inhaled can cause coughing and throat itch. There are many examples of particles in the air carried away may cause irritation to the throat. Cigarette smoke (no exception on passive smokers), for example. Examples of other pollutants are smoke smoke from factories, motor vehicles, chlorine, or other cleaning liquids. Inhale some kind of example of such pollutants can cause inflammation of the wall of the throat and the throat became scratchy as a result.

4. Common Cold

This is the cause of the most common scratchy throat. At the very least, the average adult suffering from colds 2 or 3 times a year. Colds are caused by viral infection, that will be transmitted when someone infected with the virus are not closing the nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, so that droplets containing the virus is spread in the air. Generally, the symptoms of colds will be most severely felt during the first day of the 3-4, which then fade to subside in 7-10 day. Besides the itchiness in the throat, colds also cause headaches and pain in the body.

Alleviates Throat Itch with these easy steps
The good news is, there are many ways that you can do to relieve the itching in the throat, either naturally or use drugs sold in pharmacies. Of course, you also have to figure out what is causing your throat feels itchy. Thus, in addition to relieving symptoms, you also can simultaneously get rid of the cause to make it more effective. For those of you who are struggling cope with throat itching, the steps below you can try.

1. Consume honey

Pure honey is a traditional medicine; relieve itchiness in the throat is just one among many drank. You can consume one tablespoon honey directly in the morning or mixing it into a cup of hot tea. Use pure honey that can help increase your body's resistance against allergies.

However, don't give honey in children aged under 1 year. This is because honey contains bacteria Clostridium botulinum. These bacteria can produce toxic substances. In infants and children under the age of 1 year, pencernaannya is not as good as adults so that the presence of the toxic substance in the system pencernaannya can make it experienced infant botulism, a serious disease that is one of its worst impact was death.
2. Gargle with salt water

Salt helps relieve inflammation and excess mucus production that can cause itching in the throat. To get the benefits of salt in relieving itchy throat, how fairly easily. Add half a teaspoon of salt into 250 ml of warm water and stir until dissolved. Use this to rinse salt solutions for 10 seconds, then ludahkan (not swallowed). Doing it this way 2-3 times a day, until you feel better.

3. A glass of warm ginger tea

250 ml boiled water, then insert into it a single segment of ginger that is already digeprek earlier. Seduh tea with the water, then add to it lemon water and honey to taste. Mix until all three are mixed evenly. Drink the mixture to relieve itchiness on your throat.

4. Turn on the humidifier

Very dry environments can cause the body to become dehydrated, which ultimately cause itching in the throat. To overcome this problem, turn on the humidifier in your living room or your bedroom for added moisture in the air. If there is not a humidifier in your home, you can make it your own by way of putting some of the plant life around your residence.

5. Drink lots of water

As mentioned in the previous points, dehydration can cause an itchy throat. Dehydration is a condition in which the fluid out of the body more than the incoming fluid. Dehydration is very common when the weather is hot, after a workout, or when a person suffers from pain.

Dehydration causes throat dries. The amount of mucus that should exist in the throat to melubrikasi and protect sensitive network decreases. As a result, the throat became scratchy. An easy way to overcome dehydration of course by drinking more water. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

6. Stay away from things that can trigger allergies

In this way it is quite effective to prevent itchy throat. To find out what objects that cause allergy in You, you have to saw a doctor who might be doing a series of tests. In the meantime, to avoid dust mites you can wash sheets and blankets with hot water (above 500 C). Clean the furniture, carpets, and curtains with a vacuum cleaner.

When your allergies caused by pollen of flowers, remains are inside the room and close the window when the number of pollen grains are many. If the allergy is caused by cigarette smoke, stay away from smokers. If the allergy is caused by the hair or fur of animals, do not enter the animal into the House.

Hopefully the article about the possible causes of an itchy throat and some easy steps to cope with it is beneficial for you. Itching in the throat is not dangerous. But don't delay to go to a doctor if the symptoms grew worse or other symptoms appear like difficult breathing, fever, difficult swallowing, pain in the throat, it appears the presence of swelling of the face, and appeared itching in the skin. Hopefully always healthy.


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