Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Did you know that diabetes complications prevention is so important to do? Complications of diabetes is not the usual minor illnesses, some of which can even be fatal for the long term. Diabetes is one of the diseases that damage the metabolism of the body especially the metabolism of sugar (glucose). Diabetes mellitus itself can occur due to the lack of the hormone insulin which act to incorporate glucose into cells or caused due to lack of the hormone insulin sensitifnya for running the task.

The disease of diabetes mellitus can also attack so many people, such as children who are mostly caused by genetic abnormalities so the hormone insulin is not produced at all. The disease also strikes adults who usually are the result of a bad lifestyle so that the hormone insulin sensitivity decrease and even diabetes can also occur in pregnant women. Diabetes has huge influence against other organs if the glucose levels in the blood of its victims are not controlled properly. In this article we will look at what are the complications of diabetes is to know and look out for!
Diabetes complications that need to be controlled and Prevented
Diabetes or diabetes is one of the many diseases once found today. For people with diabetes, keep your blood glucose levels are always controlled to become one of the ways to prevent dangerous complications in the future. Let's see what are the complications that can be caused by diabetes!
1. kidney-damaging Complications

Complications of diabetes will first we discussed is the kidney disorder. Complications to the kidney actually went into the category of long-term complications that can occur after years of a person suffering from the disease of diabetes mellitus. Kidney disorders that occur in chronically would cause someone experiencing chronic kidney failure is usually very late undiagnosed. Terlambatnya diagnosis of chronic renal failure is caused because the symptoms are less so typical of this disease.

Chronic renal failure caused by damage to the small blood vessels in the kidneys occur due to uncontrolled glucose levels. High levels of glucose in the blood is one of the free radicals that can damage blood vessels. For it is very important for every people with diabetes to kidney checked regularly, either 3 months or 6 months even without symptoms.
2. eye-damaging Complications

Complications of diabetes mellitus complications is next to the blood vessels of the eyes of its victims. The cause is not another blood sugar levels that are less controlled and eventually become free radicals that will damage the small blood vessels in the eye. Vision that will be felt by people with diabetes will also occur slowly and the longer the more weight.

Patients usually complain of a view that the longer the more opaque and even going to complain like seeing black spots which floated on eyes. Just as in the above kidney complication, every diabetics it is necessary to control blood sugar and also did a routine check up to the eyes for at least 3 months.

3. Complications that damage the heart and blood vessels

Complications of diabetes later is also not less dangerous than the previous complications-complications are heart and vascular complications. Complications of heart and blood vessels actually have the same mechanism with two complications which we have mentioned above. Complications of heart and blood vessels is one of the long-term complications of diabetes that can be life threatening.

The most frequent complication encountered is a disorder of the blood vessels of the heart that can lead to heart attack, followed by disorders of the blood vessels of the edge as the blood vessels can cause swelling in the legs is accompanied the taste is hot for no apparent reason. In addition to that diabetics can menglami disorders of the blood vessels of the brain and can cause hazard because it could culminate a drive hit by stroke.

In addition uncontrolled diabetes can also cause blood vessel disorder on sexual organs so that it will lead a drive to experience various sexual dysfunction complaint could still be treated by administering drugs.

4. Complications damage peripheral nerves

Complications of diabetes the next we will discuss is the complications of the nervous system to the edge of its victims. Disorders of the peripheral nerves caused by diabetes mellitus usually include impaired sensation felt by the body. Patients will often feel tingling or even to feel numbness (loss of sensation altogether).

This condition can be a frightening Specter of remembrance, loss of sensation in the body can harm the sufferer. Can you imagine someone being lost completely the sensation in the hands or feet may not feel if your hands or feet were burning or impaled and experience a variety of trauma. This is causing some were called by the management's feet to protect sufferers of diabetes mellitus the vulnerable peripheral nerves disorders experience.

On the management of the foot, a sufferer of diabetes mellitus are encouraged to always use footwear wherever traveling, keep clean and also the humidity of the legs and the most important thing of course is to control their blood sugar levels as well.

5. acute Complications

After we discussed earlier about long-term complications that can be experienced by diabetics, this time we will discuss the complications of acute or short term complications that lurk diabetics. Same is the case with long-term complications, acute complication is also caused by blood sugar levels are not controlled.

There are two dangerous abnormalities that can occur and are the complications of diabetes caused by the condition of the blood sugar that is too high i.e. Ketoacidosis Diabetikum (KAD) and Hiperglikemik Hiperosmolar (HHS). Both of these abnormalities can cause the sufferer experience weakness and impaired consciousness in the rest of the body also requires special handling in hospitals.

In addition because the excess glucose levels, a diabetics can also experience a lack of blood sugar are no less dangerous and highly influential on the salvation of the sufferer. Seeing this, certainly as diabetics maintain sugar levels in the body by regularly taking medication, keep your food intake and exercise absolute done.

So the discussion about the complications of diabetes can be presented in this article. For those of you diabetics need not worry and despair because of the many complications that could happen to You at a later date. Don't forget, that blood sugar control was instrumental in the development of this disease.

So, keep Your passion in living healthily, teraturlah in taking the drug and checking yourself regularly because if these complications dididagnosis more early then the chances of successful healing will be even greater. Finally, I hope this article was helpful for all of us!


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